Core Values The Special Olympics New Mexico Core Values help guide our behaviors, our decisions, and how we go about our work.
Unquestionable Integrity:
- Make decisions based on the collective interest of our athletes, staying mission-driven and athlete- focused.
- Conduct business in a manner that maintains the highest level of dignity and respect.
- Maintain systems and processes around organizational governance ensuring fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability.
- Develop the capacity of our athletes, so they are engaged in inclusive and meaningful ways which transcend sport.
- Embrace the integrity of sport without compromising the rules or the way the game is meant to be played because of the disability or athlete limitations.
Unwavering Excellence:
- Pursue our personal best with pride, discipline, and honor.
- Demonstrate passion that brings the Special Olympics mission to life; taking risks and setting the bar high.
- Commit to going the extra mile to ensure quality in our relationships, events, and interactions.
- Establish a culture that promotes the stability and sustainability of Special Olympics New Mexico.
Unbelievable Fun:
- Celebrate the human spirit through effort and accomplishment.
- Enjoy the excitement, enthusiasm, spontaneity and laughter inherent in the Special Olympics experience.
- Experience the joy and friendship that comes with belonging to a team.
- It’s all about “the dance.”
Undeniable Respect:
- Embrace diversity and acceptance of all individuals.
- Appreciate and share in the challenges and experiences of Special Olympics athletes and their support systems.
- Show compassion and belief in everyone’s potential for success.
- Encourage personal freedom to take actions and make decisions using individual skills and talents.
Unlimited Family:
- Provide a safe environment that supports personal and social development.
- Create a sense of belonging where all are welcome and appreciated.
- Foster a growing network of families who support and encourage one another through shared experiences.
“Respect, Fun, Family, Integrity, and Excellence guide each decision we make at Special Olympics New Mexico and embody what the Special Olympics movement represents.”
— Randy Mascorella, Executive Director of Special Olympics New Mexico