Explore Wellness

Overview: The Special Olympics Explore Wellness program introduces athletes and their families to local fitness, health, and wellness partners and resources in our community. We encourage athletes and their families to get and stay healthy by utilizing these resources and activities. Activities will include yoga, outdoor exercising, fitness classes, Zumba dance classes, cooking classes and more! Explore wellness activities are currently offered in the Albuquerque and Rio Rancho areas of New Mexico.

To get your Passport to Wellness and learn more, please contact Ben Vigil at ben@sonm.org

Thank you to each of our Explore Wellness partners!

Current Activities: 

View our Events Calendar for details

Ongoing activities:

Stay active in the Albuquerque community with the many free or low cost activities and events at your local Albuquerque Community Centers, such as Zumba, Yoga, Tai-Chi, Pickleball and more! Get a free membership today!

If you need assistance signing up, view instructions or email ben@sonm.org for more information.

For more events and resources check out UNM CDD Finder website and their Events Calendar!

Explore Wellness Survey:

To better understand the needs of our community, please complete a short survey about your personal experience with health and wellness: Explore Wellness Survey